Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tin Soldiers

I have a post in the works on everyone's favorite topic, religion. It's going to have to wait though, because my thoughts have been diverted for a short while.

Did you ever go into a movie theater, have an amazing dream, and wake up covered in popcorn? That's Avatar.

You can criticize it, sure. You can say there are clichés, or that the plot is old, or that some of it is predictable, but guess what? I DON'T CARE. And neither will you. See it. In 3D.

This film got me to thinking, and I'm not going to tell you what about, because I don't want to spoil it. One thing that happened is that this song started playing in my brain. I thought it should play in your brain too.

If anyone can play this on a guitar, a ukelele, an accordion, or whatever, it's perfectly in my range. Let's jam.

1 comment:

Adina said...

omg! that song is perfect for the movie. I remember learning to sing it in 3rd grade while my teacher played guitar!